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Michelle Shimmin

Copy of Re-Awaken your Passion in the Workplace

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

As we come off of COVID closures, you may feel drained with the long, mentally exhausting day. You may feel underappreciated for all that you are doing right now. You may feel pulled in so many directions that your head is spinning. What I want you to focus on most now is YOU. What is your purpose? Where is your passion? If you can re-awaken your passion in the workplace, you can overcome just about any of those previous struggles. You have the ability to control your thoughts and perceptions on how you feel and what you desire. You also have great influence to those around you to inspire them to re-awaken their passion in the workplace. So, what IS passion and how can you bring it into your work? People often search for these answers to find purpose in their career choice.

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to see me in the TC room, you know sales is my jam. My eyes light up knowing that I have the ability to help another human transform their life. Is it all me? Not at all! It takes a team of like-minded, passionate individuals to have that success. Is sales then my passion? Not really. My passion runs deeper than that. My passion and purpose is being fulfilled knowing that I helped another person. I connected and guided them to help them understand what THEY desire and then provided them an outline of how to get there.

So ask yourself, what do you love doing and how can you incorporate that piece into your career? Reflect back to why you wanted this position in the first place? What was it that drew you to the practice you are at currently? These are two very important questions to re-ignite your passion and propel you to greater happiness.


Diana Weaver, Director of Training, Senior Consultant, Business Analyst

Diana has been a Senior Consultant with Shimmin Consulting since 2018 and has over 20 years experience in our industry. Her passion and expertise, working in all areas of the dental and orthodontic profession, show in her attention to detail and the success she facilitates for our clients. Diana lives in Arkansas with her husband and two children.

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