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Scripting for your Virtual Exam

Michelle Shimmin

It’s imperative that your scripting drives your desired processes. Make sure that you and your team are clear on what you’re providing your patients. Be very purposeful in the message you deliver, strongly AND with confidence.

Scripting for Virtual Exams-

(this scripting is different from scheduling virtual treatment appointments)

In-office exam only: See NP Phone Scripting

Hybrid exam: In-office scan/photos/x-rays with virtual exams and tx recommendations

“We would love to schedule a new patient exam for you! You are going to love meeting Dr. ______________. Our goal is to provide you with as much information up front as possible and to conveniently facilitate scheduling the appointments to meet your orthodontic needs and we are thrilled to be able to do this in a very convenient process for you, virtually. We will schedule for you to come into our office for our team to take digital scan, photos and x-rays. This appointment will take approximately 20 minutes. Then Dr. ____________ will review these records and provide you a virtual findings and treatment recommendations via a __________(zoom/doxy?) ________ appointment from the comfort of your home, where we’ll be able to answer all of your questions and to discuss your next steps in getting you the smile you’re looking for. While you’re in the office for your digital scan, x-rays and photos, I will provide you the instructions for your __________(zoom/doxy?) ________ meeting with Dr. _________ and reserve the best time for you. In addition, I will email you a healthy history form and _____(any additional documents you are making available to the patient prior to their first appointment) ________ if you can please digitally fill those documents out and have returned back to me prior to your appointment. I have this day/time or this day/time available for you to come in for your digital scan, photos and x-rays. Which works best for you? We look very forward to meeting you then. Have a wonderful afternoon.”


Offering in-house or virtual exams

“We would love to schedule a new patient exam for you! You are going to love meeting Dr. ______________. Our goal is to provide you with as much information up front as possible and to schedule the most convenient appointments to meet your orthodontic needs. We are thrilled to be able to offer you a traditional, in-house exam appointment where we’ll take complementary digital scan, photos and x-rays and Dr. ____________ will do an extensive clinical evaluation to recommend the best treatment for ___(you/your child)_____. If Dr. _____________ recommends treatment at this time, we will combine as many appointments for you, to save additional trips into the office so you miss as little work and school as possible.

We also have a virtual exam option, which many of our patients appreciate. We will simply email you instructions on how to best take photos of ___(your/your child’s)_____ teeth and then to send those over to us where Dr. ____________ will review these records and provide you a virtual findings and treatment recommendations via a __________(zoom/doxy?) ________ appointment from the comfort of your home. We will be able to answer all of your questions and to discuss your next steps in getting you the smile you’re looking for.

In addition, I will email you a healthy history form and _____(instructions on virtual platforms used, photos taking instructions and any additional documents you are making available to the patient prior to their first appointment) ________ if you can please digitally fill those documents out and have returned back to me prior to your scheduled virtual appointment time. I have this day/time or this day/time available for your virtual appointment with Dr. ________________. Which works best for you? We look very forward to meeting you then. Have a wonderful afternoon.”


Virtual exam only:

“We would love to schedule a new patient exam for you! You are going to love meeting Dr. ______________. Our goal is to provide you with as much information up front as possible and to schedule the most convenient appointments to meet your orthodontic needs. Our initial orthodontic exam appointment is done virtually to be as time-efficient for you as we can. We will email you instructions on how to best take photos of ___(your/your child’s)_____ teeth and then to send those over to us where Dr. ____________ will review these records and provide you a extensive exam findings and treatment recommendations via a __________(zoom/doxy?) ________ appointment from the comfort of your home. We will be able to answer all of your questions and to discuss your next steps in getting you the smile you’re looking for.

In addition, I will email you a healthy history form and _____(instructions on virtual platforms used, photos taking instructions and any additional documents you are making available to the patient prior to their first appointment) ________ if you can please digitally fill those documents out and have returned back to me prior to your scheduled virtual appointment time. I have this day/time or this day/time available for your virtual appointment with Dr. ________________. Which works best for you? We look very forward to meeting you then. Have a wonderful afternoon.”


· Smile when speaking, treat this as a positive to the patient. Whatever you exude is what you will portray to your patients

· We want our patients to feel that we do not want any disruption in their treatment and that we will always go above and beyond to continue to serve our patients as we’ve always done

· Don’t treat this as a last resort option or come across to your patients that we are settling for a virtual appointment with you. Present it positively and enthusiastically as a great service you provide your patients and this is what they will perceive.

· Be prepared to know what instructions you are going to give the patient in how to take and get their pictures to you – have this written down for your ease

· Have 2-3 appointment times to offer

· Schedule for 15 min slots and expect to be on the session for about 7-10 mins.

· Provide a Zoom session, Skype session, Doxy, or facetime session

o The patient ‘seeing’ you is much more powerful and impactful then simply hearing you over the phone. Facilitate this as often as possible.

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