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Pro Tip: Streamline Your Invisalign Practice Processes

Michelle Shimmin

Updated: Feb 27, 2019

We've all seen this before... a STACK of UPS boxes arrives at the office and that means NEW Invisalign cases are here! Masterminds, what are your next steps?

We've tackled the concept of organization, in a recent post, where some great tips & ideas were shared for efficient storage within the orthodontic practice... BUT NOW, we want to know:

How does your practice streamline this "unpacking" process - Who unpacks? Does the patient schedule the "first delivery" appointment ahead of time, or does your practice call when the aligners arrive in your office? Do you have an Invisalign Coordinator in your practice that handles the scan submissions, case acceptance and unpacking?


Shimmin Consulting
How to streamline your practice processes for efficient Invisalign protocols

Check out these testimonials from Masterminds members:

"We have a Clinical Manager that is basically an admin position. She handles everything Invisalign, inventory for all of our locations, running weekly clinical reports (appointment type timing/SOS tracking per assistant), and executes monthly performance reviews for each clinical assistant. This is a full time position for her as we have close to 30 clinical assistants within out orthodontic practice. The Clinical Coordinator for each doctor/team keeps inventory/restock lists for their locations, and our CM orders for them."

-Amanda Floyd

"It’s so important to schedule the patient’s delivery appointment at the scan. The patient has so much excitement about their new smile, they’ve signed the contract and paid the down payment , always schedule their delivery appointment!!!"

"We have a clinical “floater” she does lab records sterile etc... she is in charge of un packing and checking them in! We ALWAYS schedule our 4 weeks for initial delivery at the scan, as clinical lead i make sure that my assistants go through their charts the day before( we run column based) and make sure ALL their Invisalign patients trays are in (initial and refinement) if it is not in we can track it! If it is not in (which is pretty rare but can happen) we can call the patient ahead of time to reschedule and make sure they don’t make any unnecessary trips to the office!"

-Lisa Jensvold


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