Michelle ShimminAug 2, 2018Don't Miss Out - OrthoMasterminds Facebook Group! Get our Shimmin Consulting 'PTOTW' (our practice tip of the week) in our Facebook group, Ortho Masterminds! Not a member? Join us here:www.facebook.com/groups/orthomasterminds#shimminconsulting #SC #orthomasterminds #PTOTW #practicetraining#tips #tipoftheweek #employeehandbooks #joinourgroup #buildyourbetterteamwithSC
Get our Shimmin Consulting 'PTOTW' (our practice tip of the week) in our Facebook group, Ortho Masterminds! Not a member? Join us here:www.facebook.com/groups/orthomasterminds#shimminconsulting #SC #orthomasterminds #PTOTW #practicetraining#tips #tipoftheweek #employeehandbooks #joinourgroup #buildyourbetterteamwithSC