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Are You as Confident (and Successful) as You Could Be in 2019?

Michelle Shimmin

Updated: Feb 27, 2019

Orthodontic Team Building
10 Habits of the Most Confident People

This week, let's focus on team encouragement and unified team success! Masterminds, are YOU as successful (and confident) within your personal and professional lives as you could be?

This article (linked below) hits it right out of the park with "10 Habits of the Most Confident People" -- Each habit listed correlates not only to our every day lives BUT with the overall success your orthodontic practice, as well!

I encourage you to read it and find a way to inspire your orthodontic team this week - Print the article out for everyone to read, start your morning huddles off with an inspirational quote, and/or with a positive confidence boost by celebrating the previous day's successes! Start with the focus of inspiring and building up your own personal confidence, you'll begin to see the benefits within your professional life, too!

Cheers to a successful week, Masterminds!


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